Angular, React, and Other Popular Web Development Frameworks

7 min readMay 30, 2022


For the web, JavaScript is the universal operating system.

This makes it easier to develop web applications and other applications.

Generally, it is not possible to run any other language inside a web browser, and simply translating to JavaScript is not enough.

Browsers are hostile environments, and prior approaches either are not portable or require substantial modifications to run.

For that reason, JavaScript has become the standard for web development. Angular, React Native, and other technologies are becoming more popular.


Having the knowledge of Angular JS is useful for building applications but it is not enough if you do not have practical experience in using it. You should take advantage of the various resources available on the internet and at physical learning centers to learn how to use Angular. The most effective way to learn is to write some code yourself. The best way to become familiar with a new tool is by writing code.

Angular was originally developed by Google and its community of enthusiasts. The goal of this open-source framework was to simplify the development and testing of single-page applications.

Angular supports the model-view-model architecture, client-side MVC, and components that are common in web applications. But the popularity of Angular made it difficult to use with existing applications. AngularJS can make the development process simpler, but it still has its limitations.

In addition to data-binding, Angular supports data binding and Redux. While both have a number of benefits, using them in tandem is the most efficient way to ensure a successful application.

React’s DataSet component uses a state object and Redux provides an immutable data structure. Both of these components are easy to hack. However, the latter is considered easier to implement. However, it is still necessary to know the differences between these two.

React Native

React Native is a new programming language for mobile platforms. It was first developed for Web applications, but the technology has grown to support mobile platforms like Android and iOS. React Native has been adopted by many high-profile companies such as SoundCloud, which initially intended to build two separate native apps.

However, the company struggled to recruit iOS engineers and worried about synchronizing the releases of both apps. As a result, the company decided to switch to React Native.

Another major advantage of using React Native is its compatibility with other platforms. For example, iOS users can use the native Gmail app, which comes with a worker that constantly checks the inbox. In addition, a native app integrates with the mobile system, so it knows when it needs to sync less. React Native uses its own account storage, so it’s harder to consider mobile data versus WiFi.

React Native has been used by several high-profile companies, including UberEATS and Discord.

React Native helped the company redesign their Restaurant Dashboard and have it become a standard tool for UberEATS restaurants. Additionally, Pinterest has been keeping an eye on React Native since 2015.

Angular 2

Angular 2’s decision to rewrite applications in JS was controversial. Developers worried that it would kill their careers would split into two camps:

Those who stuck around to see Angular 2 deliver on its promises, and those who moved on to other front-end development technologies. Then, in 2013, Facebook opened source React, pitching itself as a “V” in the MVC model. React shook the JS front-end community, offering a functional component model and a dead-simple one-way data flow.

Angular 2 also brings significant improvements to JavaScript. Developers can now easily integrate JavaScript into their front-end application, while older frameworks were relegated to a “barbarian” state. Besides, Angular supports a variety of existing components, and nearly every IDE and editor supports it.

This frees up development time by allowing developers to focus on building the app instead of worrying about the code behind it. Moreover, it offers productivity and scalable infrastructure.

Angular 2/4 has the added benefit of being supported by Google, but this is not a convincing argument. Google recently announced that it will continue supporting Angular for the foreseeable future. But even if Google’s backing isn’t enough, it is still a great advantage for Angular.

As the web properties of Google rely on quick downloads and execution, the Angular ecosystem is far more mature and stable. Its other advantages include ease of use, ecosystem, and community, and learning curve.

Angular 4

Angular is a great way to create dynamic pages, but if you need to make a static page, Javascript is not enough. Angular uses an event system that is native to the browser.

In contrast, other frameworks create synthetic events that violate the expected behavior of events and propagation. This increases the file size of the application and increases page load time. For this reason, you should consider using a templating language instead.

Until recently, mastering a single technical skill would guarantee a career in a secure position. Nowadays, though, a developer must be well-versed in a range of skills.

Front-end web development requires many other skills than just coding. Angular developers need to apply their skills at the right time and place. That’s how they create applications users love to use. Angular’s success is largely dependent on how well they use each skill.

Angular framework is built on the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, allowing developers to reuse components throughout the application. This approach is particularly helpful in building enterprise-scale applications where there are many moving parts.

However, it’s still inefficient for simple, small web applications. Angular 4 offers full TypeScript support and a modular animation package. While these features are beneficial for developers, the framework is slower when displaying large amounts of data.

Angular 5

You might have heard that Angular 5 can be expensive to run. It is true — the framework is extremely expensive to run. However, this is not a reason to dismiss Angular completely. Angular is supported by Google, which is no small feat.

Angular developers, including Google itself, have vowed to stay on the Angular ecosystem and further develop it. They also aim to maintain a leadership position in front-end engineering tools.

Angular is based on the Model-View-Controller pattern. Its structure is fixed and reusable, and it contains numerous directives, standard services, controllers, and additional components. This structure also breaks up the application code into separate files, with reusable components describing themselves in separate files. The application template logic is written as attributes, which are called directives. You can use the directives to extend the behavior of the application.

The advantages of Angular are many. The framework is fast, allowing developers to create and deploy large applications quickly. However, it is not ideal for small, simple web applications. It has improved performance for single-page applications with an extended user interface.

Angular 4 also comes with full TypeScript support, a new View Engine, and a modularized animation package. The drawback of Angular 4 is its slowness when displaying large amounts of data.

Angular 6

Using Angular requires a good understanding of JavaScript, and this framework has some features that JS-only web development can’t offer. However, you may be limited in the number of features you can use. For example, the limited options for animations in Angular may prevent you from achieving the full scope of your application goals.

As a result, you may have to search for other frameworks to create your next web application. Although the language support of Angular is great, you’ll likely have to look elsewhere to create a more complex web application.

The best Angular development framework is also one that is mobile-ready, which is essential for any business website. The combination of incredible technology with useful features makes it the perfect choice for developers building next-generation projects.

If you’re ready to make the leap to Angular, read on to learn more about the framework and how it can help you achieve your goals with your website. Here are some of its key features:

Angular 6’s features include a new Command Line Interface and the Angular Material Package. This is a significant step in enhancing the Angular 5 framework and adding a layer of ease to the development process.

If you’re new to the framework, it’s a good idea to review the Angular documentation to find out which features are new and which are not. Then, use the Angular update guide to perform a full migration.

Angular 7

It might seem like a small thing, but if you are planning on using Angular 7 as your main framework for web development, you need to know some fundamental facts. First, you need to understand that this framework is not designed to be a replacement for javascript.

Javascript is a specialized language, and it will not run on Angular. Secondly, if you are planning to use Angular 7, you must know about the various features it offers.

You also need to understand that Angular is an extremely flexible framework, and if you are new to the framework, JavaScript knowledge alone isn’t enough. This is because you need to use its full potential to build your application. JavaScript will not suffice for this. You will need to learn some angular concepts to be successful. The following sections will help you gain some insight into how to use Angular 7 effectively.

Ivy renderer. As Angular’s default compiler, you should be familiar with it. If you haven’t, you should try switching to the latest version.

It has some major improvements over the previous versions. Compared to AngularJS, it is more efficient and performs well on mobile devices. You should also learn Rxjs if you want to use Angular.

I will be happy to write more if you could buy me a coffee.

Signing off Sojin Samuel :D




Full-stack developer specializing in building web applications with React.js. Constantly learning and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with code.