How to Stay Competent and Eliminate Stress in 2 Minutes (I mean it)

5 min readJun 14, 2022

Here’s a simple approach you may apply to minimize anxiety, enhance your stress management, and raise your confidence.

What’s the best part? It works immediately and takes about two minutes to complete.

Here’s how it works…

power poses by sojin samuel
How to Stay Competent and Eliminate Stress in 2 Minutes

Your Hormones and Your Self-Esteem

Recent study from Harvard University, the University of Oregon, the University of Texas, and other institutions reveals that powerful and effective leaders not only have similar ideas, but also hormone levels. Powerful leaders, in particular, have greater amounts of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol.

Higher testosterone levels (in both men and women) improve emotions of confidence. Meanwhile, reduced cortisol levels result in less anxiety and an enhanced capacity to deal with stress.

That is, if you enjoy these hormone levels, you are physiologically predisposed to be more aggressive, confident, and calm. Simultaneously, you will be less reactive to stress and more likely to manage pressure circumstances well. To put it another way, having the right hormone levels can help you feel more confident and less anxious.

Doesn’t it sound good?

What’s crucial about testosterone and cortisol is that their levels may fluctuate fast based on the social, physical, and environmental stimuli that surround you.

What does this have to do with becoming more self-assured?

Body language, it turns out, is one of the physical clues that influences these two hormones. And if you know how to enhance your body language, you may boost your testosterone, lower your cortisol, and “magically” feel more confident and risk tolerant.

Let us discuss the relationship between body language and confidence…

The “Power Poses” in Body Language

Amy Cuddy is a Harvard University researcher who studies body language and its effects on hormones.

Cuddy and her colleagues categorised various body postures as “high power” or “low power.” High power postures are often open and relaxing, whereas low power positions are restricted and guarded.

The graphic below depicts many sorts of power postures.

power poses in body languages

Cuddy and her research team evaluated the influence of high and low power postures on 42 students in a research study. (Read the original article here.)

Here’s how the research went…

  • First, each subject’s testosterone and cortisol levels were assessed using a saliva sample.
  • Second, the participant was instructed to sit for two minutes in either a high or low power stance.
  • Third, each subject’s testosterone and cortisol levels were tested again using a second sample of saliva.

When the researchers examined the findings, they were astounded by the effect that body language had on the hormones in the body. High power poses boosted testosterone levels by 20% and lowered cortisol levels by 25%.

Here’s a graph of the results…

testosterone power pose

This takes us to the most crucial question…

How can you put this into practice in your life?

Stand in this position for 2 minutes every day

different power poses

The Wonder Woman posture is the most well–known and flexible high power pose. You just stand straight, chest out, and hands on your hips. The photos above depict strong women posture.

To be clear, despite the term and photographs, the impact of these stances is equally applicable to men and women.

Making This Work in Practice

Body language is easy to modify during the day if you are aware of it.

But, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be too preoccupied with other chores to notice your body language. As a result, I’ve found it most beneficial to incorporate a high power posture into my morning practice for 2 or 3 minutes before continuing on with my day.

Here’s a design I’ve been experimenting with recently…

I’ll get up every morning and stand in a high power position for two minutes.

I’ll close my eyes, breathe in deeply for a count of 3, hold for a count of 1, and then breathe out fully for a count of 5.

I blend breathing exercises, meditation, and power postures in this manner for a calming and confidence-boosting start to the day.

It also just takes 120 seconds. It’s difficult to claim you don’t have time.

What You Should Do Right Now

Behaving your way into a new way of thinking is simpler than thinking your way into a new way of acting.
— Millard Fuller, Habitat for Humanity founder

To be clear, I don’t think body language is the be–all and end–all of growing more confident.

However, it is apparent that confidence is a two–way street involving both your mind and body. Sure, your personality and mental condition can influence your confidence levels, but it’s evident that adopting better body language, taking up more space, and increasing your physical presence will also help.

Most importantly, you now have another tool in your toolkit to employ as needed.

If you’re nervous before your next presentation, interview, or meeting, take a few moments to alter your posture and stand in a commanding stance. Place your hands on your hips, chin up, and chest out.

Doing this for two minutes can enhance your testosterone and confidence while reducing your cortisol and enhancing your stress tolerance.

Your actions and emotions are inextricably linked. The most influential leaders don’t only think a particular way; they also act a specific way. You should follow suit.

Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk is 20 minutes long.

Do you want more? Amy Cuddy’s 20–minute TED Talk discusses her study and the influence of body language. It is well worth your time.

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Full-stack developer specializing in building web applications with React.js. Constantly learning and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with code.